Hi all!
I just arrived in Brasil, back from an amazing race at South Beach, Miami. The race was a fast 0.6 mile swim, 20 mile bike and 4 mile run on a scenic course. The race was a USAT non-draft sanctioned event.
I was 2nd place after a battle with Ben Collins, from USA. We've got out of the swim leg almost together, but I wasn't fast enough through transition 1. Ben was a little bit in my front, controlling my blasting bike leg with my CEEPO TT VENOM. The bike was my weapon to open some ground to the chasing pack. I got into transition 2 with almost 4 minutes to the 3rd place on the race!
I had a pretty fast run to try to win the race, but I was still hurting a little bit due to my bike accident at Brazilian Trophy's race only fifteen days before. In the end, I had a pretty solid race and could achieve a TOP 3 podium!
I'd like to thanks my sponsors Active Engeneering and my partners Ceepo Bikes, Anderson Bike Shop, Los Angeles Tri Club (High Five LA!!!), Hebraica, Dynamic Force and Medley Triathlon.
A very special thanks to my homestay (and new friend!), Milo Fernandez, who got into his first triathlon with an amazing 5th place at his age group, to Larissa Lewis from MESP for all her help to make me be at the race, Ceepo Bikes for all the support and the greatest bike (dude, Venom TT Frame can really fly on short courses too!), to Liz Oakes, president at LA Tri Club (High Five Again!!!) and to all the Miami supporters that gave me one of the most unforgetable feeling during my trip and race.
Now I'm getting ready for Brazilian Trophy at my hometown, Sao Paulo, that will take place in two weeks as a part of my training for Rhode Island 70.3 that I'll try to get a spot to World Champs at Clearwater, Florida.
For everyone, thanks for the messages on Facebook and keep training and racing hard!
Guto Antunes
South Beach Triathlon Results (April 05th, 2009)
Male - Professional
1- Ben Collins (EUA): 1:19:15
2- Guto Antunes (BRA): 1:20:46
3- Carlos Dollabela (BRA) 1:26:51
Female - Professional
1- Brooke Davison (EUA): 1:28:13
2- Fernanda Keller (BRA): 1:35:23
3- Holly Petrak (EUA): 1:40:02
2 comentários:
Gutão, ontem falei com o Guilão e ele me contou que você estava arrebentando no Triatlon e que tinha um blog.... Com a internet tudo fica fácil....
Faz anos que não nos vemos, sou o Paulo de Itapê....
Pois é, pratico ciclismo há alguns anos e esse ano debutei no triatlo, está rolando o primeiro campeonato de triatlo aqui em minha cidade e estou liderando a competição.
O formato escolhido pela organização foi o fast, com 3 baterias bem rápidas....
Parabéns pelos resultados que tem obtido e desejo sucesso na temporada.
Quem sabe em breve nos trombamos na transição !!!!
Abraço - Makaco.
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